Posts Tagged ‘ Church Stage Design ’

New Stage Design (2/10)

This one required more planning, prep and work than usual.  The hard part wasn’t setting it up, it was figuring out where everything went and making the backdrop.  Getting the lights dialed in was also time consuming, but worth it.

The 4 panels in the back are 4×8 Styrofoam insulation purchased at Lowes for $10.  We cut strategically random holes, painted them metallic silver, and covered the holes in wax paper to allow the light to pass through.  (See pics below) The panels were hung side by side are backlit with one Chauvet color Pallet and two Color changing LED par cans.  The pictures don’t do it justice, but each panel has a stained glass look to it because the way the wax paper diffuses the lights.  The drum platform has an American DJ LED color bar underneath and the front is concealed with two plastic florescent light fixture covers to allow the light to shine through.  The front lighting and lights over the drums are color changing LED par cans.  All the lights are programmed and controlled by a cheap Elation DMX control board.

You can have fun and make cool stuff on a budget!

Pics of our new Stage Set up (9/09)

We are using 8 color changing LED par cans hung on radio antenna trusses, and 2 follow spots suspended in the back of the room.  There are also 5 LED color changing/motion tubes hung up behind the drums.  Simple and clean is something we strive for in our stage design.

Stage Design (“Child’s Play” 7/09)

After realizing we were focusing too much on the theatrics of our stage set up earlier in the year, we had pulled way back to a simple and clean stage w/ some lycra, trusses, and a few lights.  Well, for the month of July we kicked off a new teaching series called “Child’s Play” and found great joy in designing and decorating our stage.  It is still very simple and not overdone, but it set a fun atmosphere in our service.

The “Child’s Play” sign in the back is a large vinyl sticker (designed and printed by Ben Fowlkes) on a sheet of styrofoam insulation and cut out.  Fair warning:  this was a tedious and time consuming task, but I think it was well worth the effort.  It saved us money and looks great as our centerpiece.  

Stage Design (April 2009)

“Necessity is the mother of all invention” is one of my favorite quotes.  Setting up a stage weekly in a mobile church we have to get very creative.  We never know what we are walking into on a weekly basis.  On Easter Sunday we found 6 huge wrestling mats on the stage we normally use and completely switch gears and change rooms.  

We recently purchased LED tubes (set of 5) which have multiple settings to change color and patterns, a truss system with two stands, and 2 more color changing LED par cans.  We are still playing with there placement and best use.

Just a side note:  last Sunday we decided to strip away almost everything on the stage.  It was very clean and simple (almost looked unfinished), but our people commented about how nice it looked and how they enjoyed having no “distractions” on stage.  We will be keeping this in mind as we plan and design for our future series!  🙂  

Stage Design (March 2009)

We kept the same structure with the 10 ft Radio/Antenna Towers and Conduit from Last Month, but switched up the Spandex a little.  Just one piece in between two towers instead of two.  The side panels are lit with two color changing LED par cans.